7 Healthy Superfoods To Boost Your Brain Health

Superfoods are excellent for your overall health, including your brain the nutrients in superfoods are also excellent fuel for the brain Our brain, as you might expect, is continually working, even while we sleep, to control thousands of complicated functions. So fruits and vegetables are superfoods that help our health, but not all of them can boost your brainpower. Down there is the shortlist of foods that can help to boost your brainpower.

Maybe some of your favorite superfoods are on this list, read on to find out.

1. Walnuts

They are high in heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory nutrients, as well as nutrients that support brain health, such as omega-3 fats, Vitamin E, copper, manganese, and fiber for gut flora that support brain function.


2. Blueberries

Many people in the world call them natural candy. Blueberries come in small packages, but they can do great things to our health. First, they are one of the highest antioxidant-rich food that we know, including vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin K and also fiber. High levels of gallic acid that are contained in Blueberries make them especially good at protecting our brains from degeneration and stress.


3. Broccoli

Thanks to high levels of vitamin K and choline, this green vegetable is one of the best brain foods. It keeps your memory sharp. Despite all this vitamin C is no exception, one stalk of Broccoli contains 134.7 mg of Vitamin C or 224% of daily intake. This vegetable is also rich in fiber, which can help you to feel full quickly, and for a long time.


4. Avocado

Yummy this fruit with a creamy texture is loaded with many vitamins and minerals, which makes Avocado naturally nutrient-dense food. Despite this Avocado is loaded with a high amount of monounsaturated fats to protect brain cells, making them another brain food.


5. Beets

This root vegetable is one of my favorites, I use beets for healthy smoothies, and is excellent. Boost brainpower? A good source of naturally-occurring nitrates that are found in Beets can help to improve blood flow to the brain, and with that improving mental performance.


6. Lentils

Those tiny powerhouses can help you to boost your brainpower. Folate, a B vitamin is contained in Lentils and is shown to help boost brainpower. Decreasing levels of amino acids can impair brain functioning, yeah Folate also plays a role in this.


7. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants and is healthy for your whole body, Ok now I can go on with my life… Despite his powerful antioxidant properties, also contain caffeine natural stimulant which plays a role in maintaining mental acuity. Flavonoids, a class of antioxidants are also contained in Dark Chocolate, which can improve blood flow thereby improving brain health by regulating cholesterol and also lowering blood pressure.

Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate

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